Club Klein Soccer Club REC Disciplinary Items Standings Disciplinary      

13B - 01 Vera 0000-014B09-6796
Player/Coach Name Type Player/Coach ID Cautions Ejections Totals
Ledwin Vasquez Player 50404-651636 1 0 1
Team Total 1 0 1

13B - 05 Maldonado 0000-014B09-6800
Player/Coach Name Type Player/Coach ID Cautions Ejections Totals
Alejandro Mancilla Player 11615-228454 1 0 1
Team Total 1 0 1

U9B School of Science and Technology 0000-014B09-6749
Player/Coach Name Type Player/Coach ID Cautions Ejections Totals
Zion Ihechere Player 71203-115418 1 0 1
Team Total 1 0 1

1110B - 01 Solorzano 0000-013B12-6741
Player/Coach Name Type Player/Coach ID Cautions Ejections Totals
Miguel Munoz Player 19780-754016 0 1 1
Team Total 0 1 1

1110B - 04 Espinoza 0000-013B12-6744
Player/Coach Name Type Player/Coach ID Cautions Ejections Totals
Doyako Sasangohar Player 46858-667996 0 1 1
Team Total 0 1 1